Group Captives

Heterogeneous and homogeneous captive solutions that make self-funding a more viable option for small to mid-size employer groups. 

Our primary goal is to create unique captives for our broker partners that bring your vision to life and help you grow your business.  

As premiums for traditional healthcare coverage continue to climb, employers are finding it increasingly difficult to offer a competitive benefits package that attracts and retains the best and brightest employees. To overcome pricing hurdles, some employers have started to evaluate what self-funded health plans might better meet their needs by offering lower premium costs and greater transparency into spending. Traditionally, self-funding's popularity has been limited  to larger employers because they have a bigger employee population to spread risk and absorb unexpected large claims.

Amwins Group Benefits is proud to provide a portfolio of offerings through Stealth Partner Group, a specialty general agent that has dedicated its practice to serving employers, broker and carriers with comprehensive, turnkey stop-loss and captive solutions. Captives provide the transparency and potential cash savings of self-funding but add the benefits of customization and flexibility that smaller employers need. A group captive simulates the risk profile of a larger employer by allowing multiple self-funded employers to pool their funds to pay for an additional layer of stop-loss protection. There are many variations in group captive structures and each program is unique to its members.

The ideal groups for a captive arrangement have a culture of health and wellness and are interested in driving premium cost reductions through greater transparency into their health costs. These groups take a specific interest in educating their members to take advantage of cost-effective healthcare options such as generic prescription drugs and annual wellness visits with a primary care physician.  

How are we different?

We do the basic blocking and tackling for you by creating an administrative foundation that is personalized and intentional and a stop loss structure that is best in class. Our primary goal is to create unique captives for our broker partners that brings your vision to life and helps you grow your business.  We are not a “one size must fit all” firm, instead we put your specific needs at the center of our solutions.


Captive features include:

  • Member companies of similar size (small to mid size)
  • Member companies with similar risk tolerance (low to medium risk)
  • Member companies across different industries (heterogeneous), as well as the same industries (homogeneous).

We treat your risk and funds as if they are our own. With our decades of experience in multiple disciplines in the accident & health industry to help sort through the complexities of various risk structures and our broad network of carrier and reinsurance partner relationships, we take great diligence and pride in helping employer groups gain and maintain profitability in their captive. 

Frequently Asked Questions


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What are the requirements to join Stealth Captive Solutions?

Only clients of selected brokerage firms are eligible. The target market is fully insured groups with 50 – 300 eligible employees and a minimum of 50 enrolled employees. 

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Who decides who can join Stealth Captive Solutions?

That decision is determined by Stealth Partner Group. The eligible broker will submit a proposal request and Stealth Partner Group will perform underwriting and risk analysis on the group to determine eligibility. 

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What is the collateral requirement?

Each participating group is responsible for posting collateral that covers the difference between total funds in the captive layer and 125% of expected claims within the captive layer. This will be a PEPM charge on your monthly TPA statement. The balance remaining in the collateral pool at the end of each contract year is returned to each group.

Click here to download the full list of FAQs.






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