
from Amwins Re

Reinsurance programmes on a treaty and facultative basis.  We have expertise in traditional and non-traditional alternative risk transfer products.


London calling

Talk to our UK-based reinsurance experts about their tailored programmes, and use their London and international market connections to meet your complex reinsurance needs. 


Dutch masters

As well as our broking team in London, we have a long-established specialist reinsurance team based in the Netherlands with reinsurance clients in Europe, and in Dutch and Portuguese-speaking areas of the Caribbean and Africa.  We have a portfolio of both treaty and facultative business, all fully supported by our administrative hub in the UK.


 Areas of expertise


Risk & Working Excess of Loss

Catastrophe Excess of Loss

Additional Retention | Second Retention

Facultative Reinsurance

Stop Loss | Aggregate Excess of Loss

Alternative Risk Transfer

Cat Modelling | Analytical Support

Loss Portfolio Transfer | Adverse Development Cover

Reinstatement Premium Protection

 Insurance class areas of specialty


Casualty | Liability | Medical Malpractice

Motor Physical Damage

Construction | Engineering

Life | Accident | Health

Bonds | Guarantees





Terrorism | Political Violence

Financial | Professional Lines


Renewable Energy

Andrew Brignell
Managing Director, Treaty
Amwins Global Risks - London
+44 (0)20 7469 0352